Parents and Carers, Please Complete our Survey and Have Your Views Captured and Your Voice Heard
If you are a parent or a carer, you may have valuable insight and views to contribute (anonymously) to this work. Please see further details below and at this survey link:
About The LANDSCAPE Child and Teenager Obesity Project
The LANDSCAPE Child and Adolescent Obesity Project is being undertaken as part of a Health Research Board (HRB) applied partnership award between Dr Grace O’Malley RCSI and CHI at Temple Street Children’s Hospital and Sarah O’Brien HSE Health and Wellbeing Division.
The aim of The LANDSCAPE Child and Adolescent Obesity Project is to map currently available services and practices in Ireland in relation to caring for children and teenagers with obesity and their complications. It is envisaged that this will help develop an understanding of how these services and practices may differ across the country and in various settings in Ireland. It will also provide valuable insight on the potential barriers and enablers for the provision of obesity treatment services in Ireland and identifying the supports needed.
Your views will complement findings from a large nationwide survey and focus groups conducted with health professionals and other key stakeholders including health managers and advocates in the delivery of health services. This work will be used to create a framework of recommendations for the Health Service Executive (HSE) for future service delivery for families affected by overweight and obesity.
You can view a short family friendly video on this project here
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Keep up to date with our work and other related content on social media:
Twitter: @RCSI_Obesity Or at this link here:
LinkedIn: Obesity Research and Care Group RCSI Or at this link here
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