Is the Temple Street W82GO Healthy Lifestyles Programme Effective in Reducing BMI SDS?
The prevalence of severe obesity among
adolescents is increasing. Gastric bypass surgery is a possible
treatment. Vitamin supplementation is of importance after surgery
and the aim of this study was to determine the vitamin status and
the compliance of vitamin intake among adolescents.
In a non-randomised prospective intervention study (AMOS), 81 adolescents
with morbid obesity (1318 years, BMI 45.56.1 ) underwent laparoscopic
gastric bypass surgery. S-Fe, S-Ferritin and S- B12 were analysed, at
baseline, 1 and 2 years after operation. All adolescents were prescribed
daily multivitamin and mineral supplements. The girls were prescribed
iron tablets in addition. At follow-up visits the adolescents were asked
about compliance of the prescribed vitamins and minerals.