Researchers based in RCSI
Dr Grace O’Malley
Paediatric Physiotherapist and Paediatric Obesity Lead
Principal Investigator
Dr Desire Naigaga
Post-doctoral Researcher
Angela Hickey
Clinical staff based in Children’s Health Ireland
Ms Lois McCrea
Research Physiotherapist in paediatrics
Ms Niamh Arthurs
Registered Dietitian and Researcher
Ms Catherine Shorthall
Clinical Specialist Paediatric Dietitian
Dr Jessica McGirr
Research Paediatric Registrar
Dr Maeve O’Brien
Post Doctoral Researcher
Dr Farzana Ferdous
Nutrition Epidemiologist
Bernadette Keenan
Public Patient Involvement Representative
Catriona O’Daly
Public Health Nursing Representative
Deirdre Murphy
Public Patient Involvement Representative
Dr. Cathy Breen
ECOICO Dietitian Training Course Representative
Dr. Ellen Stuart
B.Sc, M.Sc, in Health Sciences (Clinical Education) MB BCh BAO MICGP
GP Representative
Dr. Jean O’Connell
ECOICO Physician Training Course Representative
Dr. Michael Crotty
GP Collaborator
Dr. Norah Jordan
B.Sc, M.Sc, DClin PgDip
Paediatric Clinical Psychology Representative
Dr. Sarah Browne
Dietetics Representative
Grainne Dowdall
B.Sc, M.Sc, Health Literacy & Digital Design Representative
Lucinda Case
B.Sc, M.Sc,
Paediatric Physiotherapy Representative
Maura Murphy
Public Patient Involvement Representative
Susie Birney
Public Patient Involvement Representative
Dr Aisling Walsh
Mixed Methods Research
Fiona Ward
Karen Gaynor
Policy, Dietetics
Mary O’Malley
Public Health Nursing
Professor Clodagh O’Gorman
Paediatric Medicine
Professor Susan Smith
Medicine, Primary Care
Sven Schubert
PPI Representative
Sarah O’Brien
Lead: Knowledge User, HSE